- January 6, 2023
- Posted by: Shalini W
- Category: Information Technology
The manager’s responsibilities extend beyond managing the routine tasks of the workforce. Managers play a crucial role in driving the company’s mission, culture, and values. By leading the workforce, they become essential to the enterprise’s advancement. They are also one of the primary reasons why employees remain with their company – we have all heard that “people don’t leave bad jobs; they leave bad managers.”
More so than those in the C-suite, employees rely on and take cues from the attitudes and actions of their immediate manager. However, recent NTT DATA research indicates that business leaders place relatively low importance on investing in leadership development. Positive team results require managers to cultivate a culture of support, transparency, growth, and collaboration.
1) Lead with sincerity
Once upon a time, I had a supervisor whose personality fluctuated with the weather. On occasion, he was patient and interested in overcoming difficult obstacles with me. On other occasions, he was abrupt, dismissive, and demanded immediate responses before I fully comprehended his questions. I never understood what was important to him, and I was not employed by him for long.
Creating high-performing teams requires authenticity because it lays the foundation for strong relationships and environments where employees can bring their whole, best selves to work. Being genuine does not necessitate revealing your deepest, darkest secrets, but it does necessitate knowing your style and motivations and helping your team understand these.
Humans are hardwired for consistency, so when you consistently and authentically present yourself, your employees know what to expect, how to approach you, and what’s important. Even better, they believe they have the opportunity to share who they are and what motivates them.
This does not imply that everyone on your team must have the same approach and style; quite the contrary. A team comprised of individuals who are authentically themselves is more productive and connected to the company’s work and mission on a personal level.
2) Foster a positive environment
Not everyone is naturally vivacious and optimistic. You may resemble Coach Beard or Roy Kent more than Ted Lasso. But not only do cheerleader types create positive environments; in fact, sometimes they are the worst at doing so.
People in a positive environment focused on what they can do rather than what they cannot. Individuals – and, by extension, the group as a whole – adopt a growth mindset toward their work and the world around them, viewing setbacks as learning opportunities and committing themselves to a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and curiosity. This positive energy generates and sustains momentum, propelling all parties forward.
A senior leader recently remarked that there was no one he would rather speak with at 7:30 in the morning than me. In contrast, one of my favorite coworkers has a style that I would compare to that of Roy Kent. However, the teams he directs are completely devoted to him and accomplish remarkable feats together. His presentation and style may be vastly different from mine, but we share a growth mindset: Together, we can overcome any obstacle.
3) Expand with your group
We’ve all heard the quick facts about self-care: focus on yourself more, avoid burnout by putting yourself last and putting others first, etc. But these facts are correct, which is why we must put on our oxygen masks before assisting others; if you are not okay, you won’t be of much assistance to others.
The opposite approach will also not help you lead a successful team. Instead, consider the individual needs and preferences of your team members. Some individuals desire more time to engage in extracurricular activities and socialize. Others are always and only focused on business. Some may prefer weekly or monthly scheduled check-ins, while others prefer to connect whenever they desire or require it.
Meeting your employees where they are providing them with what they need when they need it, thereby increasing their likelihood of success. As a manager, you must be exceptionally flexible, but you can do so without sacrificing your individuality.
However, perhaps the most essential tip is to be present when you are with your team. Our ability to concentrate in the present has been hampered by the transition to virtual work over the past few years. Constantly, we are composing emails while listening to conference calls, responding to chats and texts, and writing articles or developing client solutions. The pressure to multitask is great, but the advantages of concentration and focus are greater.
In the end, a manager’sbehaviorr in the workplace has an impact on the entire workforce. How you engage and connect with your team will determine the short-term and long-term success of the group.
And even as we enter an era of digital transformation and advanced technology, leadership has always been about everyone, not just the IT or operations teams you lead directly. Using this as your compass can transform your leadership and assist others in becoming effective leaders.
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