How AI Can Improve Workplace Skills And Teamwork

AI has taken over the job, unless you’ve been living under a rock. It’s transforming work, communication, and innovation. It enhances human powers in ways that make old science fiction films seem prescient.

You’re undoubtedly attempting to figure out the potential of AI in increasing human skills and collaboration as an HR practitioner or SMB employer, especially because this is critical for staying competitive in today’s quickly developing business landscape.

This widespread use demonstrates the growing realisation of AI’s disruptive potential, as well as its ability to boost efficiency, production, and innovation.

But here’s the thing: AI in the workplace isn’t only about process automation. It’s not always about plugging something in and going to the beach.

Rather, when used correctly, AI can enable individuals to learn new skills, collaborate more efficiently, and make better judgements. According to a PwC 2020 research, AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, with much of this value deriving from its ability to improve human capacities.

AI is enhancing human abilities

Again, AI is more than just automation and optimisation. It will also boost human skills, such as personalised learning and personal growth, as well as decision-making. Your company can use AI to enable your employees to learn, innovate, and thrive in their roles.

AI-powered learning platforms for personalised L&D, such as LinkedIn Learning and Coursera, provide employees with access to customised learning experiences tailored to their specific requirements and goals. AI can now analyse existing skill sets, job roles, and performance data to offer courses and resources that will help employees advance professionally.

This is extremely important in terms of staff engagement and retention. According to a 2018 LinkedIn survey, 94% of employees would stay with a firm for longer if it invested in their professional development. In addition, a TalentLMS poll conducted in late 2021 discovered that 62% of US tech professionals are motivated by training and learning. The payoff is obvious.

Furthermore, upskilling to match new technological breakthroughs at work is critical for success; according to a 2020 World Economic Forum (WEF) research, by 2025, 50% of all employees will require reskilling due to the adoption of new technologies such as AI. Soft talents such as agility, adaptation, and autonomy are becoming increasingly crucial.

Making decisions based on data-driven insights

Another area where AI can help humans is decision-making. Data is increasingly being used to inform business choices. AI analytics solutions, such as IBM Watson and Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning, can analyse massive volumes of data rapidly and correctly, allowing staff to make more educated decisions based on AI-driven insights.

The advantages of AI-enhanced decision-making are substantial. According to a 2022 McKinsey study, AI-driven processes enhance precision, resulting in greater corporate outcomes and a competitive advantage. This has far-reaching implications, ranging from enhancing supply chain management to increasing customer satisfaction and boosting revenue development.

While AI has significant limits in terms of reproducing human bias (more on that below), when utilised intelligently, it can also foster more fair decision-making. It can lessen, if not eliminate, cognitive biases that cloud human judgement, resulting in more objective, data-driven decisions, notably in human resources.

AI-powered recruitment systems like Workable, for example, assure unbiased hiring processes. Its Video Interviews capability, for example, generates interview questions that autopopulate throughout all interviews for a consistent experience, and its AI Recruiter surfaces prospects based on qualifications and expertise. Its AI-generated job descriptions are similarly unbiased.

AI is promoting workplace collaboration

As the modern workplace evolves, effective teamwork is more crucial than ever. AI technology can help improve communication and expedite project management and workflows.


AI-powered communication tools are changing the way teams interact. AI-enhanced technologies, such as SuperNormal’s AI-driven notetaking functionality, can greatly increase team communication and cooperation.

Super Normal features, for example, automatically transcribe and analyse meeting content, making it simple for participants to examine, share, and reference significant topics covered. This capacity not only improves communication but also helps to keep remote and distributed workers interested and informed even when they are unable to attend a meeting in real time.

Workflow and project management

Project management is another area where AI-enhanced solutions like Asana, Trello, and Jira can help to expedite processes and improve team collaboration by automating activities, identifying bottlenecks, and mitigating project risks.

For example, Asana’s workload feature use artificial intelligence to assess team members’ capabilities and automatically assign tasks, ensuring that work is spread evenly and reducing burnout. Trello’s AI-powered ‘Butler’, on the other hand, automates routine chores, allowing team members to focus on higher-value activities and communicate more efficiently. Atlassian’s Jira and Confluence softwares now include predictive machine learning technologies.

AI has a huge impact on project management. The Harvard Business Review has written extensively about how artificial intelligence will transform project management. According to Standish Group, over $48 trillion is invested in projects each year, but only 35% of projects are considered successful. According to a Gartner research, AI will handle 80% of project management responsibilities by 2030.

There’s a lot of money on the queue. If AI-driven project management can make processes more effective and productive, lowering project durations and errors, including AI and machine learning capabilities to boost team collaboration is a no-brainer.

Overcoming AI Implementation Challenges

But it’s not all roses. When deploying AI to assist human abilities and collaboration at work, there are some obstacles to consider. Concerns regarding job displacement and ethical concerns are serious issues that must be addressed when you integrate AI into your daily operations.

Displacement of workers

One of the most serious concerns about AI implementation is the possibility of job loss. While AI can automate tedious processes and increase efficiency, it has also prompted concerns about job losses and worker upheaval. For example, according to a new World Economic Forum estimate, AI will have an impact on one-quarter of all occupations during the next five years.

However, the same WEF research indicates a net gain in jobs over the next five years as a result of these new advances. It will be turbulent, but the eventual result will be a shift in jobs rather than a decline in work prospects.

To combat redundancy, businesses will need to implement the correct policies and engage in employee development to remain competitive in the business landscape. Rather than just replacing humans in work processes, AI can be viewed as a complementing tool that augments human capabilities. By focusing on the opportunities that AI presents, organisations can realise the full potential of the technology and ensure a smooth transition for their staff.

MIT’s Paul McDonagh-Smith supports this mindset, emphasising the combination of technological prowess with human motivations to increase your organization’s “creativity quotient.” In a recent webinar, he emphasised how human and machine capabilities might compliment each other rather than compete with one another.

So, what does this imply? Change does not have to be frightening. It could be viewed as an opportunity. Employees can be reskilled and upskilled so that they have the skills and talents necessary to quickly adjust to their changing responsibilities and the technologies that come with them. Those that are agile, prepared, and constantly learning will have an advantage.

This is supported by data. According to the WEF, as workplace technology usage expands, 50% of all employees will require reskilling by 2025, with the majority of those skills centred on problem-solving and critical thinking.

You can alleviate job displacement concerns in your teams by proactively addressing those demands in your organization. Encourage and encourage them in their efforts to grow and develop so that your company can thrive in the age of AI.

Read More: IOT and Microsoft : Connecting The Physical And Digital Worlds

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