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Best Front-End Development Frameworks

Web development frameworks

The number of Web development frameworks and libraries for the front-end development available when starting a new web development project has grown dramatically.

Although JavaScript is the foundation of online applications, most software developers are unsure which JavaScript front-end framework is best suited for their next major project. If you’re still debating whether React, Vue, or Angular is the better option, it’s time to look at the numbers and see where things stand in 2021.

There are a number of frequent questions that software engineers ask, and we’ve answered them here:

  • In 2021, which of the following Javascript Frameworks will be the most popular: Angular, React, or Vue?
  • When it comes to Javascript, what else do they need to know?
  • What is the most often used framework for small businesses and SMEs?
  • For your next web development project, which Javascript framework will perform the best?

We found React to be one of the most popular Javascript frameworks according to the State of Javascript Survey 2019.

In comparison to the previous poll, Vue has unexpectedly surpassed Angular to take second place.

The expertise and skills of every software developer are distinct, as are the unique project requirements, timelines, and complexity, to name a few. Determining if React is the top pick of 20,000 developers does not mean it will meet your project’s requirements.

Compare these top three Javascript programming libraries in-depth to determine the best choice of framework.

  1. Background of Web development frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue

We’ll examine the characteristics of these three leading frameworks to help you make an informed selection for your next web development project. It’s important to first understand the background of each framework and what it’s based on.


When it comes to web pages, React is a prominent framework developed by Facebook that is used to construct and manage the dynamic User Interface (UI). Meanwhile, Google’s open-source Javascript framework Angular is used to create Single Page Applications (SPAs) (SPA). Vue, on the other hand, was built by Evan You with the aid of a huge community of users and developers to support libraries that help you deal with complexity in large single-page apps. Vue has all of the ethical elements of React and Angular. And because of this, Vue has grown in popularity in a short period of time without exhibiting any signs of waning in its appeal.

History of Web development frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue


React was first released in 2013 with the basic goal of breaking down the user interface into a set of components to make the creation of visual interfaces easier. A new feature, the virtual DOM, allows React to be utilized to construct single-page applications (SPAs).

With its open-source Syntax, Facebook introduced React in 2010 as its first indication. In 2012, Jordan Walke developed a prototype of React as a solution to the problem of managing Facebook advertising with HTML code.

React was not only open-sourced in 2013 but it was also used by about 3 million front-end developers. After then, the code issues progressively faded away, and React earned a solid reputation in 2014. This framework is used by large firms such as Facebook and Instagram.


Let’s take a look back at how Angular came to be, and how it evolved into AngularJS. AngularJS was released as a front-end application for the first time in 2010. But now, in 2016, the core team at Google has created Angular, which is based only on three key pillars: TypeScript, RxJS, and Zone.js.

After the release of Angular 2+ on May 28, 2019, Angular has eliminated the suffix JS. Angular is now used by Google and Wix, two of the most well-known firms.


When it comes to Javascript Frameworks and Vue, Evan You, a former Google developer, is the youngest and most powerful member of the community.

Vue 2.6.10 was released in March 2019 to almost eliminate all of the disadvantages of competing frameworks and provide you with the freedom to develop the next level of web apps with ease.

GitLab and Alibaba are two of Vue’s most prominent users nowadays.

  1. The popularity of Angular, React, and Vue in 2021

a) NPM Trends: Web development frameworks like React and Vue are the most popular and downloaded frameworks

React is the most downloaded framework according to NPM trends. However, this does not imply that they are the greatest in their field. In order to determine the optimal choice, you must conduct further polls.

b) Stack Overflow Trends: React has surpassed Angular to take the #1 spot

When we compare the popularity of Angular, React, and Vue in 2020, Stack Overflow Trends shows that React is the most popular, followed by Angular. Vue’s popularity, on the other hand, has been steadily increasing over the last several years.

c) Vue is the top-rated Web development frameworks according to GitHub trends, followed by React

Some metrics from Github Repositories are both shocking and exciting. In terms of forks and views, React has the most, while Vue has the most.

  1. Performance of Web development frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue

A frontend application’s performance is one of the most critical factors to consider. When analyzing the speed of Angular, React, and Vue, bear in mind that the DOM is regarded as the user interface of any application. React and Angular use distinct ways to updating HTML files, while Vue combines the best of both. Let’s compare Angular, React, and Vue.


For single-page apps, Angular is the most popular Javascript framework. It leverages the real DOM and is excellent for applications that are updated on a regular basis.

Second, Angular employs a Two-Way Data Binding mechanism that duplicates any changes made in the Model into the views in a safe, fast, and straightforward manner.

Negatives: Because of the various capabilities of this framework, it will slow down the speed of your project when turning it into heavier apps when compared to React and Vue.


Using the Virtual DOM, React is a front-end framework that increases the speed of any application that requires regular content changes. Taking Instagram as an example,

The data flow in React is one-way. This will allow for greater control of the project as a whole

Negatives: Because React is continuously changing, developers that deal with it must keep their skills up to date in order to keep up with the new things flawlessly. Everything is always changing, so the tech titans may not always be able to deal with it.


In contrast to Angular and React, Vue is the newest JS framework, and it has a number of impressive capabilities. Using the virtual DOM delivers great speed and memory allocation. It combines React and Angular technologies.

Negatives: In comparison to React and Angular, Vue’s community support is the weakest.

  1. Migration with Angular, React, and Vue

There are occasions when moving from one version to another is problematic. Vue has the easiest and fastest migration procedure in 2021 when compared to Angular, React, and React. Let us look at how difficult and time-consuming they are.


Angular typically delivers significant upgrades every six months. In addition, any important APIs will be deprecated for another six months. Developers will have two six-month release cycles to make necessary modifications.


Upgrades through versions are typically far more accessible than Angular and Vue in 2021 when it comes to Vue versus Angular vs React. Scripts such as React codemod allow for a smooth transition from one version to the next while also ensuring stability.

As a result, Facebook feels that React’s reliability is of the utmost importance, as several well-known firms, such as Twitter and Airbnb, use the technology.


Developers will benefit from Vue’s clever migration solutions. 90% of APIs remain the same if you migrate from 1.x to 2. If you employ web developers, then they only need to utilize a migration assistance tool to make modifications to the site.

  1. Learning Curve for Web development frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue

Which framework has a low learning curve? A majority of developers have heard of Vue and would like to learn it, whereas React is the most popular choice and Angular is on the decline in terms of developer interest.

The learning curve of any framework is not confined to coding. Debugging and testing are, in reality, a genuine concern, especially when a web app development firm is handling a large project with a lot of code.

On the one hand, Angular and React demand a high degree of Javascript expertise and experience to make decisions on third-party libraries. On the other hand, many businesses are fast adopting Vue since it offers the simplest learning curve when compared to Angular and React.

Nonetheless, a huge number of developers choose to React since it allows you to construct an application in the most up-to-date current ways, as opposed to Vue, which still adheres to the old-fashioned JavaScript web application development approach.

Angular remains in the top three JS frameworks despite its declining popularity because it sends a clear and useful message to developers, allowing them to swiftly resolve difficulties in app development.

  1. Framework Size of Angular, React, and Vue

Vue and React are suited for lightweight apps, but Angular is suitable for sophisticated and heavyweight projects, based on the above-mentioned framework and library sizes.

  • Angular (approximately 500 KB size)
  • React (approximately 100 KB size
  • Vue (approximately 80 Kb size)

Let’s look at how these sizes might influence the software development initiatives of your organization.


From templates to testing facilities, Angular comes with a plethora of capabilities that assist developers. If you’re thinking about creating a large-scale, feature-rich application, Angular is the way to go.


When it comes to libraries, React does not offer as many as Angular. As a result, React is an appropriate framework for current web development.


Vue, as previously noted, is the smallest of the other frameworks and libraries, making it an excellent choice for lightweight web development and single-page apps. Vue is the ideal option to go with if you want a library that is easy to use and minimal in size.

  1. Deployment Speed of Angular, React, and Vue

The amount of libraries available to the developer determines the speed of setup. This means that Angular makes it easier to create a web app, but React’s framework makes it easier to scale.


Because Angular is a wide framework that handles everything from project creation to code optimization, it is the most difficult framework for overall deployment. To make up for this, developers may use a single command to create a completely optimized packaged application that can be deployed anywhere on the internet.


When it comes to tools, React lacks Angular or Vue. With React, you can mix and combine whatever library you choose. With the expansion of the ecosystem, we now have CLI tools such as Create React App and Next.js.


Unlike Angular and React, Vue’s pre-coding framework allows you to launch your project rapidly without sacrificing speed. You may utilize just what you need in development with a single command. Vue makes it simple to create an app, making it an excellent choice for entrepreneurs.

  1. Community Support for Web development frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue

We are already familiar with the histories of these top three JS frameworks, and Angular and React have significant community backing from large businesses such as Google and Facebook, whilst Vue is still in an open-source community. Since React has been the most popular for years, it has gained the backing of developers, and the majority of your difficulties may be handled quickly through Stackoverflow.


Angular has been continually developed and supported by Google since its debut in 2010, with significant upgrades every six months. As reported in a Medium article, Angular is also the framework used by Microsoft, Apple, Autodesk, and Adobe in addition to other well-known firms like Freelancer and Upwork, and Telegram, to name a few.


Facebook launched it in 2013 as a Javascript library that provides comprehensive framework functionality. Instagram, Netflix, the New York Times, Yahoo, Whatsapp, Microsoft, Airbnb, Dropbox, and more prominent firms utilize React.


In spite of the fact that it’s a newcomer and didn’t have the same active community as Angular and React, it’s still utilized by prominent firms such as EuroNews and Alibaba as well as WizzAir and Xiaomi.

  1. Choosing Between Web development frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue

Angular is a comprehensive package that provides you with all the tools you need to create a web application, from development to testing, whereas React is a flexible framework that requires the help of other libraries for development. Vue is an Angular and React mix package that improves web app development speed, efficiency, and simplicity.

When You Need Web development frameworks like Angular, Choose It!

  • To create a large-scale, feature-rich app.
  • The framework is both reliable and scalable.
  • To create a real-time application, such as a chat app or a messaging app.
  • To create long-term and significant investment projects such as native applications, hybrid apps, or web apps.
  • TypeScript is being used to code.
  • Object-oriented programming.

When You Need Web development frameworks like React, Choose it!

  • In a short amount of time, create lightweight enterprise-grade contemporary applications.
  • A versatile framework that enables secure website creation.
  • To create cross-platform or single-page apps.
  • In order to increase the capabilities of the existing app.
  • Strong community support and a solution are available.

When You Need Web development frameworks like Vue, Choose it!

  • Apps that are smart, fast, and efficient.
  • Selecting a framework that allows for early market entrance.
  • To create a tiny, lightweight program like Grammarly.
  • However, due to a lack of resources, it is necessary to transition from an existing project to a contemporary framework.
  • Instead of a corporation, pick one that is well-liked by the community.


As you may be aware, there is a slew of JavaScript frameworks available, including Ember, Node, Polymer, Meteor, and others, but Angular, React, and Vue are the true giants of the constantly evolving ecosystem. Without being prejudiced, we attempted to compare the many parameters of each framework. The main goal of this comparison guide is to help you understand the background and capabilities of various frameworks so you can choose the best framework for your next web development project.

The comparisons are based on data, polls, and case studies of prominent companies. However, if you are working on a business project, we recommend that you conduct research before making any decisions.

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