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The Great Battle of Flutter vs React Native

Flutter vs React Native

Although they are two similar features of cross-platform app development, Flutter vs React Native has been recognized as fierce rivals since their beginnings. Using cross-platform app development, businesses can quickly and cost-effectively create mobile apps for a variety of platforms.

Mobile app development is no exception to this trend, as technology is making things faster, more precise, more reliable, and more streamlined. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you run, mobile apps have been critical to your success in the last decade or so. The hiring of prominent mobile app development companies by organizations is, however, absolutely necessary in order to achieve the required results.

Cross-platform app development and native app development have both become more useful as the need for mobile apps has grown. React Native and Flutter are two of the most popular frameworks for developing cross-platform apps.

This blog will focus on the differences between the two frameworks, namely Flutter vs React Native. In addition, we will also look at when businesses should use Flutter or React Native based on their business needs.

As a starting point, let’s take a look at some of the foundations of cross-platform app development frameworks.

Overview of Flutter vs React Native

Introduction to Flutter

Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development framework sponsored by Google that is built on the dart language. Several of Google’s major applications, including Google Pay, ByteDance, and BMW, are built with the help of Dart and Flutter, a combination the company developed.

After the Mobile World Congress in February 2018, where the first beta version of Flutter was launched, and then at Google I/O in May 2018, where Flutter 1.0 was released, Flutter has now reached general availability. The mobile app development framework reached a significant milestone in December 2018 when it was deemed stable and ready for use in the workplace.

Newer versions of Flutter have been being developed by Google on a regular basis since December 2018. Flutter 2.5 was published in September 2021, the most recent version of the app.

Developers may use the Flutter app development framework to create aesthetically appealing apps for iOS, Android, web, and desktop platforms utilizing a single codebase that can be used across all platforms. For developers who are already familiar with C# and Java, the learning curve for Flutter is a breeze. It’s easy to modify, quick, and visually appealing to use apps created with the Flutter app development framework.

Many applications are built using Flutter because it allows developers to create visually appealing and natively integrated apps.

Because it is quicker to compile the source code into a native macOS, Linux, or Windows desktop app, Flutter has desktop compatibility built-in.

Web support for Flutter is flawless because it provides the same experience as mobile. Building Progressive Web Applications (PWA) and Single Page Applications (SPA) as well as providing web compatibility for current mobile applications are some of the most common uses for it.

Benefits of Flutter

It is easy to see why the Flutter app development framework is so popular with programmers. Other advantages of Flutter, in addition to speeding up the overall development process, are as follows:

Layered Design

Using Flutter’s layered architecture, you can quickly and easily customize the user experience. Developers have complete control over every pixel of the screen when customization is strong. Consequently, it becomes much easier to combine and animate video, text, and images.

Hot Reloading

When it comes to app development, Flutter is more dynamic than React Native, at least from a developer’s perspective. So when it comes to coding speed, Flutter takes the lead in the intense competition between Flutter vs React Native. Hot reload allows developers to make changes in the codebase while the program is running and see how they influence the application immediately.

As a result, leading Flutter app development companies to make the process of addressing bugs and introducing new features easy. This functionality also helps developers and designers work together smoothly by allowing them to reload their apps quickly.

Improvements to the Quality Assurance

Due to the fact that they do not have to run separate tests for each platform, working with Flutter becomes easier for the quality assurance team (QA team). Reduce the total number of tests by half, which helps speed up the process of creating a mobile app.

Native Controls and UI were Well Separated

Because it separates the user interface from the native control, Flutter reduces the possibility of human mistakes. As a result, smartphone manufacturers may create error-free products, which helps to grow the Loya; user base.

Without any effort, a separate user interface gives you a consolidated picture of all system releases.

Clear Layouts

Once again, the great Flutter vs React Native clash is won by Flutter. To make the app more user-friendly, Flutter pays close attention to the smallest of elements. The ability to create bespoke widgets or even edit preexisting ones in order to improve the overall user experience was one of the primary motivations behind the creation of flutter.

Introduction to React Native

Using the React library, the React Native framework is a JavaScript implementation of the React library. This framework was developed as part of a Facebook internal hackathon project in 2013 and was officially published to the public for the first time that year. React Native, on the other hand, has been around for a longer period of time than the Flutter app development platform.

Developers may use the same code base for both iOS and Android apps with React Native.

React Native is, without a doubt, a highly effective framework. It is most appropriate for:

  • Using JavaScript to build mobile apps.
  • Framework for creating cross-platform mobile applications.
  • Using the same codebase, developers may create iOS and Android apps.

Benefits of React Native

Now it’s time to take a look at the areas where React Native has outperformed Flutter and emerged victorious in the epic battle between Flutter vs React Native:

Refreshes Quickly

When questioned about their biggest pain point, the React Native community said the hot reloading feature was broken. React Native 0.61 included a quick refresh functionality in order to address this problem. All of the concerns associated with hot reloading were resolved by using fast refresh, which provided a more pleasant experience for developers.

When using Fast Refresh, you may make use of the latest React Native platform, which recovers from all typos and other forms of errors and contains features such as components and hooks.

Large Collection of Components

React Native is a JavaScript-based application. Because of this, the cross-platform app development framework has access to the world’s largest package ecosystem. A big variety of ready-to-apply components are also available to speed up the complete app development process. A competitive edge over your competitors can be gained by working with the best React Native development businesses around.

In the Flutter vs React Native battle, the platform’s large component library gives it a distinct advantage.

Support from the Entire Community

The React Native platform has a vast component library, but it also has a large and active community. Stack Overflow currently has over 90,000 active React Native contributors. To make matters even easier for the developers, there is a vast community of contributors that can help them solve problems and enhance their overall coding abilities.

UI with Declarative Elements

If you’re comparing the simplicity of detecting bugs between Flutter vs React Native, React Native wins the race because of its declarative user interface. When it comes to making a mobile user interface, React Native is also well-established in the field.

Testing is Simple

When it comes to testing ease, the competition between Flutter vs React Native is as fierce as ever. When it comes to automated testing, Flutter’s dart support is fantastic. It also comes with comprehensive documentation for widgets, units, and integrations. A developer may use Flutter to build sophisticated apps for iOS or Android, as well as thorough documentation on how to do so.

Integrity testing and user interface testing are not supported in React Native. Third-party applications like Detox and Appium are used by React Native developers because there is no official support. Because the framework doesn’t enable any automated tasks, React Native developers utilize Xcode to deploy iOS apps manually.


According to this feature, the app development framework is flexible enough for people with a wide range of technical abilities to collaborate on a single project together. Comparing the modularity of Flutter vs React Native, on the other hand, Flutter comes out on top. Using its pub package approach provides a better opportunity for teams of all sizes to participate. There is also a split of project codes into several modules in the same system.

The modularity of React Native is constrained by the nature of the framework. The native elements of many OS platforms can be combined, although only to a limited extent, in this OS virtualization layering.

The Ability to Design Complicated Apps

Developers working with these open-source frameworks have access to a wealth of information in the shape of comprehensive documentation, guidelines, plugins, and the like. However, when comparing the capacity of Flutter and React Native to work on complicated applications, the latter comes out on top.

With React Native, JavaScript and native development abilities are required to construct complicated applications. Startups aiming to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will benefit greatly from using the Flutter framework (MVP).

Experience of the User

A question that may arise in regards to user experience is the following: ‘Which is better, Flutter or React Native? When it comes to addressing this concern, Flutter has an extensive library of streamlined elements that can be used to provide an improved user experience.

Because of the generational trash collection of Dart in Flutter, each object is only allocated once per pointer bump. During the app development process, this feature aids in the elimination of UI clutter and the elimination of animation slowness. So, it’s safe to say that the Flutter app development framework will be around for some time to come.

Due to React Native’s pre-built UI kits, it is challenging for developers to create designs that are consistent across platforms and different implementations. As a result, when comparing Flutter vs. React Native in terms of user experience, Flutter appears to be the clear winner.


When it comes to Flutter and React Native’s performance, there appears to be some disagreement among the app development platforms’ respective communities. Flutter, on the other hand, appears to be the more performance-oriented platform. As a result, the native modules can communicate with each other without the need for any form of intermediary. Skia is a graphics package that Flutter employs to refresh its app’s user interface whenever the app’s view changes.

While React Native employs JavaScript bridges to interact between native modules, it has a lower performance bar. Third-party libraries like Progaurd, on the other hand, can be used by programmers to enhance performance.


To be clear, we’ve tried to look at the data and stats on all systems objectively. Flutter vs React Native comparison is a simple way to help developers decide which programming language is best suited to their needs and abilities.

Flutter thrives at iterative development and MVP applications, while React Native excels at necessary native and cross-platform software.

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This is the best job I’ve hired Aelius Venture for. The team does quality work and highly recommends them and their capable team.

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We appreciate the help from Aelius Venture’s team with regards to our React Native project.

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